What is “Japan Career Recruitment Services”?
What is “Japan Career Recruitment Services”?
Japan Career Recruitment Support Services introduce bilingual highly-qualified candidates to Japanese and foreign companies in Japan.
This service will help You recruit global candidates who will come to bear Your company’s future.
Service contents
Advertising Vacancies of the Japan Career Website (Basic plan)
This is the basic service of Japan Career Employment Support. It includes the following services:
1. Posting company description and job openings on the JapanCareer website.
2. Editing and updating the above information, using Your login ID and password.
3. Searching for candidates (You can see anonymous resumes of registered users).
4. Receive applications from registered candidates.
Sending E-mail to Prospective Candidates (Optional plan)
Send e-mails through the Japan Career Website. Registered companies can view and search for resumes (resumes do not include personal information) of students and recent graduates who wish to work at Japanese and foreign companies in Japan.
Using the option of “Sending E-mails to Candidates”, employers can directly contact users they are interested in.
If You would like to know more about this service, please apply at Your “My Page”.
Post advertisements in the Japan Career free magazine
Japan Career issues a free employment information magazine “Japan Career” which is distributed to Japanese Departments at over 500 universities in 40 countries and to major universities, accepting foreign students, in Japan.
Magazine targets students and recent graduates, residing in Japan and overseas, who are interested in working in Japan.
By placing an advertisement in the Japan Career free magazine, Your company can appeal directly to the above target readers.
If You are interested in advertising in the Japan Career free magazine, please contact us.
Use the Student’s and Recent Graduates’ recruiting Service
Using the Students’ and Recent Graduates’ Recruiting Service not only provides the possibility to search for candidates, but includes introducing students and recent graduates which suit the needs of Your company.
Our experienced global staff recruitment consultants will find the perfect candidate suiting Your business needs.
Benefits of the Japan Career services